outline | an outline showing all sub-datasets and variables contained in this dataset |
BADC Documentation Page | Climatic Research Unit (CRU) TS (time-series) version 4.0 gridded data |
dataset documentation |
cloud cover | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly cld[ lon lat | time] |
diurnal temperature range | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly dtr[ lon lat | time] |
ground frost frequency | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly frs[ lon lat | time] |
potential evapotranspiration | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly pet[ lon lat | time] |
precipitation | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly pre[ lon lat | time] |
near-surface temperature minimum | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly tmn[ lon lat | time] |
near-surface temperature | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly tmp[ lon lat | time] |
near-surface temperature maximum | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly tmx[ lon lat | time] |
vapour pressure | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly vap[ lon lat | time] |
wet day frequency | UEA CRU TS4p0 monthly wet[ lon lat | time] |
lat (latitude) | grid: /lat (degree_north) ordered (89.75S) to (89.75N) by 0.5 N= 360 pts :grid |
lon (longitude) | grid: /lon (degree_east) periodic (179.75W) to (179.75E) by 0.5 N= 720 pts :grid |
time (time) | grid: /time (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Jan 1901) to (Dec 2015) by 1.0 N= 1380 pts :grid |
Last updated: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 21:25:22 GMT